Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rocky Mountain SCBWI Members on Google Blogger

Columbine by ET Charles

 Many Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators maintain blogs and/or websites. While the overall theme is writing for children, there are many interesting topics included in the blog posts such as science, marine life, and marketing. Google blogger, blogspot, is an easy platform on which to set up and maintain a blog. Following are some links to helpful and fascinating blogs by Rocky Mountain Members of SCBWI.

Art by Dow 

Claudia Mills An Hour a Day

Lynn Becker Books 

Kim Tomsic Bookshelf Detective 

Elyse Greenhut 

SCBWI the official blog 

Fleur Bradley How to Write Short Stories 

Fleur Bradley Three Tips for Writing Mysteries 

Fleur Bradley Creating a Marketing Plan 

Fleur Bradley Social Media Tips 

Google blogger 

Previous post regarding Google Blogger



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