Tuesday, August 18, 2020

K-12 schools and colleges reopening in the time of Covid-19

With the rapidly unfolding novel coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic, reliable information from reputable sources can be helpful. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 12:15pm Eastern Daylight Time, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health will host a free webinar with back to school, information during the Covid-19 pandemic. This webinar is for parents, teachers and leaders. A panel of experts will be addressing planning, guidelines and concerns about returning to K – 12 schools this fall. There is an opportunity for question and answer response via email. Registration is not required.This webinar will be recorded.

In addition Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has also published guidelines for returning to college.

Link to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: K-12 school reopening webinar: https://www.jhsph.edu/covid-19/news-and-events/events/august-20.html?utm_source=Public+Health+Updates&utm_campaign=6a4db8df40-

Some schools have released very specific guides. David Richards, Dean of Library Services at the University of Nebraska, Omaha has shared information which was compiled by several experts from the University of Nebraska Medical Center Global Center for Health Security. The document is titled Higher Education Pandemic Mitigation and Response Guide. This is a comprehensive 24 page checklist. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Blueberries in Puff Pastry


1 1/2 - 2 cups of blueberries

8 – 10 sheets of phyllo dough or puff pastry

1/8 pound (1/2 stick) of unsalted butter

2 butter wrappers for greasing pie pan

1 Tablespoon sugar

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

1/16 teaspoon lavender salt

Wash blueberries. Remove any stems and discard all soft and squishy berries. Thoroughly grease a 9 1/2 inch deep dish pie pan with butter wrappers. All at once, place 4 or 5 sheets in bottom of pie pan. The ends of the pastry will overlap the edges of the pie plate. Slice off the first tablespoon of butter and then cut into five pieces and distribute evenly on the puff pastry. All at once, place the second 4 or 5 pieces of puff pastry on top of those in the pie plate. Slice off the second tablespoon of butter and then cut into five pieces and distribute evenly on the puff pastry. Place blueberries on top of the pastry; they will be one layer of blueberries thick and in places two blueberries thick. Sprinkle nutmeg, lavender salt and sugar evenly over the berries. Dot the berries with the third tablespoon of butter. Fold the excess puff pastry over the blueberries and then dot the top of the puff pastry with the last tablespoon of butter.

There will be extra phyllo dough; refold it in its original paper and then place in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator for future us.

Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 40 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. The pastry needs to be covered or it will become tough in the oven.

Serves 6 people.

Notes: This can be made the day before and stored in the refrigerator and then served for breakfast.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Parsley and Tomato Salad

6 sprigs of Italian, flat leafed parsley

1 large tomato

2 teaspoons olive oil

Lavender salt, optional

Pepper, optional

Chop parsley leaves, reserving stems for another use. Chop tomato. Toss the tomato and parsley with the olive oil. With just harvested parsley and tomatoes, condiments are optional; salt and pepper may be added to taste.

This makes 3 small servings of salad. It may also be used as a garnish. The volume of green leaves and red tomato is almost equal in this salad.


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